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Updated over 2 months ago

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The MainWP Virusdie Extension uses Virusdie to scan your sites. Virusdie features an incredibly extensive database and a stack of technologies to detect viruses and threats. Virusdie detects both viruses and website vulnerabilities, and this is something that makes it different than other antivirus or defender products.

Important Notes:

MainWP Virusdie Extension, by default, includes Virusdie freemium model. That means that you can use some Virusdie features for free and can buy a Premium license if you need additional options. Included free features:

  • Unlimited sites

  • Automated weekly scans

  • Email Notifications

Remove Child Sites from the Virusdie

To remove a child site from your Virusdie dashboard,

  1. Login to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Virusdie page

  3. Locate the site that you want to remove

  4. Click the Remove Site button

Important Notes:

After removing a site from the Virusdie, you need to MANUALLY delete your unique sync file from the Site Root via (S)FTP.

Scan Child Sites With Virusdie

Note: This feature, the on-demand scan, requires a paid Virusdie plan.

By default, Virusdie will scan your sites automatically once per week on the free plan. If any problem is found, you will get a notification from the Virusdie service.

If you wish to scan sites more frequently or on demand, an upgrade to a paid Virusdie plan is required.

To request the Scan process manually,

  1. Login to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Virusdie page

  3. Locate the site that you want to scan

  4. Click the Scan button

Scan via WP CLI Command

wp mainwp-virusdie scan <id>

Don’t forget to replace the <id> with the actual child site ID.

Scan via REST API





Required Parameters

  • site_id – (INT) ID of the child site

Example Request

Set up the MainWP Virusdie Extension

If you have an existing Virusdie account:
Due to limitations in Virusdie’s API, existing accounts created without MainWP Virusdie Extension do not have the required permissions to manage connected sites. Use this extension only if you plan to create a new Virusdie account through the extension Sign-Up form.

To properly set up the MainWP Virusdie Extension:

  1. Login to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Virusdie > Settings page

  3. Locate the Create a free Virusdie account section, enter your email address and click the Sign-Up button

  4. This will automatically create an account for you, and you will get an email with a one-time password in a few minutes.

  5. After getting the email, go to the Log in to your Virusdie account section, enter your email address and the password you got, and click the Sign In button.

  6. Upon successful login, the MainWP Virusdie Extension will automatically get your API Credentials, and the extension is ready to go.

Now, you are ready to start adding your sites to your Virusdie account.

Add Sites To Virusdie Dashboard

After creating a Virusdie account and connecting the API, you can start adding your sites to your Virusdie dashboard.

Adding Sites Automatically

  1. Login to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Virusdie extension

  3. Locate the Add All Sites to Virusdie button and click it

This process will connect all your child sites to your Virusdie account. This includes downloading and adding your unique sync file to the root directory of your child sites and making the API call that will connect all your sites to the Dashboard.

Alternatively, if you want to add just some of your sites separately, you can use the Add to Virusdie button provided in the actions column for all sites that are not found in your Viruside account:

Now, you are ready to start scanning your sites.

In case of an error message “Unique sync file could not be uploaded.”, please refer to this article on how to resolve the issue.

Adding Sites Manually

Adding sites to the Virusdie account manually, required 3 easy steps:

  1. Add the site to the list in your Virusdie account

  2. Upload your unique sync file to the root directory of your child site

  3. Set your preferences

Full process documentation can be found in this help document.

Virusdie Extension API Compatibility

New Virusdie Users

To use the MainWP Virusdie Extension, it is required to have API access. For new users that don’t have a Virusdie account, the process of getting the keys is fairly simple. You can use the Signup field, and after getting the email with the one-time password and signing in, the extension will automatically load the keys. With the free account created through the MainWP Virusdie Extension, you can add your sites to the Virusdie dashboard to run weekly automated scans and get email notifications.

If needed, you can upgrade your account to use premium features at

Existing Virusdie Premium Users

If you already have a Premium Account with Virusdie created without the MainWP Virusdie Extension, the connection won’t be possible due to restrictions in Virusdie’s API. Existing accounts created without MainWP Virusdie Extension do not have the required permissions to manage connected sites.

After confirming with Virusdie, not all accounts have access to their API. If you have an older account, you will want to verify with Virusdie support. Unfortunately, this is out of MainWP control.

Error “Unique sync file could not be uploaded” when adding a website to Virusdie

The issue occurs because authentication with the Virusdie API server is failing, and MainWP Dashboard can’t download the sync file. Therefore it can not upload the sync file to the Child site.

Authentication with the VD API server can fail due to multiple reasons:

  • Incorrect Virusdie email address or one-time password

  • Incompatible account type since Virusdie has some limitations specifically for MainWP users

Steps to try to resolve the problem:

  1. In the Virusdie extension settings, use the Sign Out function to remove current credentials

  2. Use the Sign Up function, but use the same email address that is already registered with Virusdie

  3. This will trigger the One-Time Password email so that the user will get a new Password

  4. Use Sign In form to sign in with the email address signed up in step 2 and the new password from the email (Note: Do not change the password in Virusdie account)

  5. After the successful sign-in process, try to add sites again

  6. If it fails again, contact the Virusdie team to check the account compatibility or if something else is causing issues with the authentication process

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