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Jetpack Protect
Updated over 2 months ago

Jetpack Protect extension allows you to see any vulnerabilities on your child sites directly in your MainWP Dashboard.

The extension works in tandem with the Jetpack Protect plugin on your child sites. Both the extension and the plugin are free to download and use.

NOTE: Jetpack Protect automatically scans your child sites once per day. This means that after resolving vulnerability issues, it can take up to 24 hours before the extension reflects changes.

Installing the extension

First step is to install the Jetpack Protect plugin on the desired child sites and activate it.

After that, follow these steps to install the MainWP Jetpack Protect extension.

  1. Go to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions page

  3. Click the Install Extensions button

    MainWP Domain Monitor Extension 1
  4. Locate the Jetpack Protect extension and select it

  5. Click the Install button

  6. Once the installation process is complete, click the Activate Extensions button.

    MainWP Domain Monitor Extension 2

Vulnerabilities tab

The vulnerabilities tab shows you all the child sites that have the Jetpack Plugin installed, when was the last scan performed, and the number of vulnerabilities found for WordPress core, Plugins, and Themes.

You can click on the child site row to expand it and reveal detailed information about the detected vulnerabilities.

Fix a vulnerability

Then you can click on any of the vulnerabilities to reveal even more information about it, and here you can decide how to fix it. Either to update the plugin/theme or to delete it.

Overview tab

This page provides you with additional actions related to the Jetpack Protect plugin.

The ellipsis menu reveals additional actions such as the ability to hide the Jetpack Protect plugin on the child site and the ability to disconnect it.

And Bulk Actions menu provides the same actions but for multiple child sites at once.

Jetpack Protect REST API

All MainWP REST API calls, including full documentation, and examples, are now publicly available on Postman.

Please refer to our REST API document for more details on enabling REST API and managing Keys: MainWP REST API

Quick Start with Jetpack Protect

The extension works in tandem with the Jetpack Protect plugin on your Child Sites. Both the extension and the plugin are free to download and use.

  1. Install the MainWP Jetpack Protect extension

  2. Install the Jetpack Protect plugin on all desired child sites

  3. Navigate to MainWP Dashboard > Extensions > Jetpack Protect page
    NOTE: If you don’t immediately see all Child Sites on which you’ve installed Jetpack Protect plugin, please Synchronize all sites

  4. You should now see all sites in the table, with the red X icon in the Jetpack Connection column

  5. To connect the Jetpack extension to the Jetpack plugin

    1. Select all sites in the table

    2. From the Bulk actions menu, select Connect Jetpack

    3. Click Apply button

  6. Perform another Sycnrhonization to get fresh data
    NOTE: After connecting the Child Sites to the Jetpack Protect extension, it can take some time before the Jetpack Scan completes the first scan.

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