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White Label
Updated over 3 weeks ago

If you manage websites on behalf of your clients and want to promote your brand and not the fact you use MainWP, then this is the Extension for you. With the MainWP White Label Extension, you can easily change the branding of the MainWP Child plugin, remove and disable functions on child sites and offer an on-site support contact form for your clients.

White Label

The Extension allows you to alter how the plugin appears on your client’s site. You can easily display your company name, along with your explanation of what the plugin does in place of the normal MainWP credits and author information. You can even select not to allow the MainWP Child plugin to appear at all to your clients.

Remove & Disable

The Extension enables you to restrict the ability of your clients to edit and delete plugins and themes. It creates a more secure place for them to work in. You can use this as a way to prevent unwanted changes by clients with less experience. You can also prevent users from accessing the WP Admin Settings and WordPress Tools sections.

WordPress Options

The Extension allows you to easily white-label certain WordPress admin sections, from the admin bar to the dashboard and a whole lot more. It makes it quick and easy to do everything, from replacing the WordPress logo with your company logo to completely customizing the admin area, favicons, dashboard, and more.

Support Form

If your clients need support, this section will give them the fastest way to reach you. If there is anything that they need to ask you, or if your clients need any assistance, they can use this easy contact form directly from the WP Admin interface.

Important Notes:

The MainWP White Label Extension allows you to white label the MainWP Child plugin only. MainWP Dashboard plugin can’t be white labeled with this Extension.

White Label the MainWP Child Plugin

White Label the MainWP Child Plugin on All Child Sites

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > White Label page

  3. Locate the White Label tab

    White Label Settings
    1. Enter a custom Plugin Name

    2. Enter a custom Pugin Description

    3. Enter a custom Plugin URI

    4. Enter a custom Plugin Author

    5. Enter a custom Plugin Author URI

  4. Click the Save Settings button

If we take the following example:

  • Plugin Name = Demo Name

  • Plugin Description = Demo Description

  • Plugin URI =

  • Plugin Author = Demo Author

  • Plugin Author URI =

The MainWP Child plugin will look like this in the WP > Plugins page on your child sites:

Branding Result

White Label the MainWP Child Plugin on a Single Site

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Site > Manage page

  3. Locate a Child Site where you want to rebrand the MainWP Child plugin

  4. Click the Edit action

    Edit Site
  5. Go to the White Label tab

  6. Locate the General Settings option box

    • Locate the Override General Settings option

    • Enable it

  7. Locate the White Label option box

    1. Enter a custom Plugin Name

    2. Enter a custom Pugin Description

    3. Enter a custom Plugin URI

    4. Enter a custom Plugin Author

    5. Enter a custom Plugin Author URI

  8. Click the Save Settings button

Important Notes:

You can leave text fields empty (all except for Plugin Name) if you don’t want to tweak the original info, but you don’t want to show it either. This will hide the unwanted data.

To remove applied white label settings, you can delete the Plugin Name and Save Settings. That will return the Child Plugin to its original state.

In case your child site gets disconnected from your MainWP Dashboard, and you are no longer able to remove applied white label options, please check here to resolve the issue.

Visually Hide the MainWP Child Plugin

Visually Hide the MainWP Child Plugin on All Child Sites

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > White Label page

  3. Locate the White Label tab

    White Label Child Plugin Settings
    1. Locate the Visually Hide MainWP Child Plugin option

    2. Set it to YES

  4. Click the Save Settings button

Visually Hide the MainWP Child Plugin on a Single Site

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Site > Manage page

  3. Locate a Child Site where you want to rebrand the MainWP Child plugin

  4. Click the Edit action

    Edit Site
  5. Go to the White Label tab

  6. Locate the General Settings option box

    • Locate the Override General Settings option

    • Set it to YES

  7. Locate the White Label section

    1. Locate the Visually Hide MainWP Child Plugin option

    2. Set it to YES

  8. Click the Save Settings button

Important Notes:

In case your child site gets disconnected from your MainWP Dashboard, and you are no longer able to remove applied branding options, please check here to resolve the issue.

Remove/Disable Functions on Your Child Sites

Remove & Disable Functions

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > White Label page

  3. Locate the Remove & Disable Options tab

    Remove and disable white label options
    1. Disable Theme Switching – if set to YES, the current child site theme will be locked, and nobody will be able to switch the theme

    2. Disable Theme/Plugin Changes – if set to YES, the Plugins, and Appearance menus will be removed from the WordPress Admin Menu

    3. Remove MainWP Settings if set to YES, the MainWP Child Settings page will be removed

    4. Remove MainWP Server Information – if set to YES, the MainWP Child Server Information page will be removed

    5. Remove MainWP Restore / Clone – if set to YES, the MainWP Child Restore page will be removed

    6. Remove WP Tools – if set to YES, the Tools menu will be removed from the WordPress Admin Menu

    7. Remove WP Settings – if set to YES, the Settings menu will be removed from the WordPress Admin Menu

    8. Remove WP Permalinks Menu – if set to YES, the Permalinks menu will be removed from the WordPress Admin Menu

Remove & Disable Functions on a Single Child Site

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Site > Manage page

  3. Locate a Child Site where you want to rebrand the MainWP Child plugin

  4. Click the Edit action

    Edit Site
  5. Go to the White Label tab

  6. Locate the General Settings option box

    • Locate the Override General Settings option

    • Set it to YES

  7. Locate the Remove & Disable Options option box

    • Disable Theme Switching – if set to YES, the current child site theme will be locked, and nobody will be able to switch the theme

    • Disable Theme/Plugin Changes – if set to YES, the Plugins, and Appearance menus will be removed from the WordPress Admin Menu

    • Remove MainWP Settings if set to YES, the MainWP Child Settings page will be removed

    • Remove MainWP Server Information – if set to YES, the MainWP Child Server Information page will be removed

    • Remove MainWP Restore / Clone – if set to YES, the MainWP Child Restore page will be removed

    • Remove WP Tools – if set to YES, the Tools menu will be removed from the WordPress Admin Menu

    • Remove WP Settings – if set to YES, the Settings menu will be removed from the WordPress Admin Menu

    • Remove WP Permalinks Menu – if set to YES, the Permalinks menu will be removed from the WordPress Admin Menu

Important Notes:

In case your child site gets disconnected from your MainWP Dashboard, and you are no longer able to remove applied branding options, please check here to resolve the issue.

WordPress White Label Options

WordPress Options

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > White Label page

  3. Go to the WordPress Options tab

    White Label - WordPress options
    1. Custom Login Image – upload your custom image to replace the WordPress icon on the WordPress login page

    2. Custom Favicon – upload your custom image to replace the website favicon

    3. Remove Dashboard Widgets – select widgets that you want to remove from the WordPress Dashboard page

    4. Hide Nag Updates – enable this option if you want to remove the WordPress update nag that appears at the top of all admin pages when a new version of WordPress is released

    5. Hide Help Box – enable this option if you want to hide the contextual help tab from all WordPress Admin pages

    6. Hide Post Metaboxes – select meta boxes that you want to remove from the WP > Posts > Add New page

    7. Hide Page Metaboxes – select meta boxes that you want to remove from the WP > Pages > Add New page

    8. Global Footer Content – add content that you want to insert into the WordPress global footer (visible on front-end)

    9. Dashboard Footer Content – add content that you want to insert into the WordPress Admin footer. It will replace the “Thank you for creating with WordPress.”

    10. Site Generator Options – This option allows you to tweak the Generator meta tag on your child sites to hide the WordPress version on your child sites

    11. Custom Admin CSS – add custom CSS code to customize the WP Admin section on your child sites

    12. Custom Login CSS – add custom CSS code to customize the WP Login page on your child sites

    13. Text Replace – This mechanism provides you the ability to replace any word or phrase on your child sites. Simply in the Find This Text field enter a text you want to replace and in the Replace With This add a new text. After you update settings, the extension will replace the text in the Admin area of your child sites.

  4. Click the Save Settings button

WordPress Options on a Single Child Site

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Site > Manage page

  3. Locate a Child Site where you want to rebrand the MainWP Child plugin

  4. Click the Edit action

    Edit Site
  5. Go to the White Label tab

  6. Locate the General Settings option box

    • Locate the Override General Settings option

    • Set it to YES

  7. Locate the WordPress Options option box

    1. Custom Login Image – upload your custom image to replace the WordPress icon on the WordPress login page

    2. Custom Favicon – upload your custom image to replace the website favicon

    3. Remove Dashboard Widgets – select widgets that you want to remove from the WordPress Dashboard page

    4. Hide Nag Updates – enable this option if you want to remove the WordPress update nag that appears at the top of all admin pages when a new version of WordPress is released

    5. Hide Help Box – enable this option if you want to hide the contextual help tab from all WordPress Admin pages

    6. Hide Post Metaboxes – select meta boxes that you want to remove from the WP > Posts > Add New page

    7. Hide Page Metaboxes – select meta boxes that you want to remove from the WP > Pages > Add New page

    8. Global Footer Content – add content that you want to insert into the WordPress global footer (visible on front-end)

    9. Dashboard Footer Content – add content that you want to insert into the WordPress Admin footer. It will replace the “Thank you for creating with WordPress.”

    10. Site Generator Options – This option allows you to tweak the Generator meta tag on your child sites to hide the WordPress version on your child sites

    11. Custom Admin CSS – add custom CSS code to customize the WP Admin section on your child sites

    12. Custom Login CSS – add custom CSS code to customize the WP Login page on your child sites

    13. Text Replace – This mechanism provides you the ability to replace any word or phrase on your child sites. Simply in the Find This Text field enter a text you want to replace and in the Replace With This add a new text. After you update settings, the extension will replace the text in the Admin area of your child sites.

  8. Click the Save Settings button.

Important Notes:

In case your child site gets disconnected from your MainWP Dashboard, and you are no longer able to remove applied branding options, please check here to resolve the issue.

Enable the Contact Support Feature

Enable the Contact Support Feature on All Child Sites

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > White Label page

  3. Go to the Support Form tab

    White Label - Support options
    1. Set the Enable Support Button option to YES

    2. Select where you want to display the Contact Support Button on child sites

    3. Set the Contact Support label

    4. Set the Intro Support Message

    5. Set the Submit Button Title

    6. Set the Successful Submission Message

    7. Set the Support Email Address (support form will stay disabled if the Support Email Address is blank)

  4. Click the Save Settings button

Enable the Contact Support Feature on Single Child Sites

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Site > Manage page

  3. Locate a Child Site where you want to rebrand the MainWP Child plugin

  4. Click the Edit actionE

  5. Go to the White Label tab

  6. Locate the General Settings option section

    • Locate the Override General Settings option

    • Set it to YES

  7. Locate the Support Form section

    1. Set the Enable Support Button option to YES

    2. Select where you want to display the Contact Support Button on child sites

    3. Set the Contact Support label

    4. Set the Intro Support Message

    5. Set the Submit Button Title

    6. Set the Successful Submission Message

    7. Set the Support Email Address (support form will stay disabled if the Support Email Address is blank)

  8. Click the Save Settings button

Important Notes:

In case your child site gets disconnected from your MainWP Dashboard, and you are no longer able to remove applied branding options, please check here to resolve the issue.

Reset White Label Extension Options

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > White Label page

  3. Locate the Reset button at the bottom of the page

  4. Click the button,

  5. If you are sure you want to reset all branding options, confirm by clicking the Yes button in the popup box.

  6. Click the Save Settings button to apply reset to child sites.

White Label Master Reset

If your Child Site gets disconnected from your MainWP Dashboard and you are not able to see the MainWP Child plugin because it has been hidden by the MainWP White Label Extension or any other white label option gets “stuck”, you will need to Master Reset white label options on your child site.

MainWP Child Reset Tool

We have a tool that will reset your MainWP Child Site Plugin settings as if it was never installed.

Please find the plugin here: Reset MainWP Child Plugin setting to default.

Simply install this like a normal plugin ON THE CHILD SITE ONLY. Once activated it will do its thing and deactivate itself.

After you are finished with the tool PLEASE remove it for security reasons.

Manual Reset

If you prefer to do it manually by editing code, please follow these steps:

  1. Access your child site server with your favorite FTP Client

  2. Locate the class-mainwp-child.php file on your Child Site site_root/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-child/class/

  3. Download the file

  4. Open the file in any Code Editor

    Branding Master Reset
    1. Locate the public function __construct( $plugin_file ) function around line 210

    2. Locate this–>update(); about 2 lines lower

    3. Directly after that line, add the following code:

  5. Save the changes in the file

  6. Upload file back to the site_root/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-child/class/ directory on your child site. Be sure to overwrite the current file.

Completely Disable White Label Settings for a Site

To completely disable custom white label settings for a specific Child Site, please insert the following code snippet to the functions.php file of the active theme on the child site:

add_filter( 'mainwp_child_branding_init_options', 'mycustom_mainwp_child_branding_init_options'); function mycustom_mainwp_child_branding_init_options( $opts ) { if (is_array($opts) && isset($opts['hide'])) {       $opts['hide'] = ''; } return $opts; }

Important Note

After adding that code, you will be able to re-activate the child plugin and reconnect it to your MainWP Dashboard. After successfully reconnecting, download the file again and remove the code you added earlier. This needs to be done so the White Label Extension can be used properly again.

Remove White Label Settings for a Specific User on Child Sites

MainWP Child 4.0.3, released on October 1st, 2019, introduced one handy filter mainwp_child_branding_init_options that can be used to hide white label settings for a specific user on child sites.

Let’s see the usage example:

add_filter( 'mainwp_child_branding_init_options', 'mycustom_mainwp_child_branding_init_options' ); function mycustom_mainwp_child_branding_init_options( $option ) {        $current_user_id = get_current_user_id();        if ( $current_user_id == '1' && is_array( $option ) && isset( $option[ 'cancelled_branding' ] ) ) {        $option[ 'cancelled_branding' ] = true;    }        return $option; }

In this example, all custom MainWP White Label Extension options will be applied for all users on the child site except for the user with ID 1.

Also, the filter can be used to hide white label settings for a user with a specific username.

add_filter( 'mainwp_child_branding_init_options', 'mycustom_mainwp_child_branding_init_options' ); function mycustom_mainwp_child_branding_init_options( $option ) {        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();        if ( $current_user && $current_user->user_login == 'bogdan' && is_array( $option ) && isset( $option[ 'cancelled_branding' ] ) ) {        $option[ 'cancelled_branding' ] = true;    }        return $option; }

In this example, the user with the username “bogdan” won’t be affected by the white label settings.

If you use the MainWP Code Snippets Extension, you will be able to apply this snippet to all your sites at once.

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