Cost Tracker issues

I’m testing Cost Tracker and added my first cost. After that I’ve changed a few settings (Euro, decimal/thousand sign, and added a custom payment method), but when I edit the cost there are a few issues:

  1. The currency symbol shows $, while I’ve chosen for €
  2. The amount keeps switching back to 88.00, while I want to change it to “88,20”, so both the decimals are not saved and the decimal symbol still shows a . instead of a ,
  3. The purchase date was selected as 2023-10-03 (October 3d), but is shown as March 1st. It’s shown correctly in a flash when loading the page and is changed a bit later.
  4. I tried to change the Payment method to iDeal (my custom payment method), but it doesn’t get saved.

On the Cost overview page it shows like this:

  1. The correct symbol is shown, but without decimals.
  2. Status shows as “Activate” which sounds like an action instead of a status.
  3. The date is shown correctly, but is it correct that the renewal date is 1 day before the end date?
  4. The payment method doesn’t reflect the method that was chosen.

Just to be complete, this is an overview of the settings:

  1. The correct symbol is shown
  2. The separator settings are correct
  3. The additional payment method is added

FYI - I seemed to figure out tonight that you can at least resolve the issues with saving changes to your costs by removing the slug. Seems a bug that when there is data in that field, the cost refuses to save its changes.

By removing the slug the payment method is indeed saved, but the rest isn’t.

Hey @josklever

We’ve identified earlier and fixed an issue related to slugs, and saving entries for Lifetime licenses.

I can send you a pre-release version, and let me comment on your other findings.

Reproduced, and we will have a fix for it.

I couldn’t reproduce this. What Date format do you have set in the MainWP Settings?

I couldn’t reproduce this. Were you tyring to save changes for a lifetime cost?

The decimals are shown if they are not .00.

We will change it, thanks.

My assumption is that this is because it’s set to 23:59:59 of a prior day, but I will check with the team.

I could not reproduce this. The custom payment method was saved and correctly displayed in the table. Was this for the same entry for which you couldn’t save the custom payment?

All of this is about the one and only cost that I’ve entered. It’s not a lifetime post as you can see in the screenshots.

The timezone settings are NL/Amsterdam, so effectively UTC+1 at the moment. Timezone settings have been forgotten more often before.

We found some issues with editing cost tracker entries. If you wish I can send you the pre-release version to see if that fixes your issues.

Thanks. I’ve managed to reproduce it by setting WP Language to Netherlands.
We will have a fix for it.

Sure, just send me the patched version and I’ll test it.

With 5.0.1 I was able to save 88.20 as they amount, but it still shows $ and the period as the decimal sign.
The date still shows as 2023-03-01 instead of 3 oktober 2023 like on the overview page.


We’ve just released MainWP Dashboard v5.0.1, which includes a fix for these issues:

  1. The currency symbol shows $, while I’ve chosen for €
  2. The purchase date was selected as 2023-10-03 (October 3d), but is shown as March 1st. It’s shown correctly in a flash when loading the page and is changed a bit later.
  3. I tried to change the Payment method to iDeal (my custom payment method), but it doesn’t get saved.
  4. Status shows as “Activate” which sounds like an action instead of a status.
  5. The date is shown correctly, but is it correct that the renewal date is 1 day before the end date? NOTE: You may need to re-save the Cost Tracker entry.
  6. The payment method doesn’t reflect the method that was chosen.

For this issue:

we have added a tooltip for now instructing to enter the value with a (.) decimal point since the issue was more convoluted than it appeared. We will revisit this in a future release.

Thanks a bunch, @josklever, for the detailed report.

Is the new 5.0.1 version different than the 5.0.1 I received earlier? Because most of the issues were not yet solved. Only 3 was already working after removing the slug. The rest wasn’t solved.

Yes, the version I sent you via private message included only several fixes for saving cost tracker entries.

The final release includes the remaining fixes as listed in the changelog.

I’ve updated to the final version and it seems to work now.

Next time please use a version number that will be lower that the final version, like, so I’ll get the final version as well without removing the beta version.


Thank for the suggestion, we"ll review the process of releasing testing copies before the actual release. I’ll close this now.

All the best.