The Time Tracker Extension allows users to track the work they do for their clients directly from their Dashboard or Browser Extension.
The Time Tracker extension integrates seamlessly with the MainWP Clients Module, allowing users to create time-tracking entries for custom work performed for clients.
This extension is particularly useful for MainWP managers who need to monitor the time dedicated to various tasks, ensuring accurate billing and reporting.
Key Features
– Buckets: Users can create “Buckets,” which are pools of hours assigned specific price tags for different services offered to clients.
– Time Counting and Rounding: Offers the ability to count time up from 0 or down from a specific time and offers rouncing of entries up or down for neat and understandable reporting.
– Flexible Settings: Users can adjust settings globally or per client, catering to diverse client needs and billing practices.
Setting Up Time Tracker
Creating Buckets:
Navigate to Dashboard -> Extensions -> Time Tracker -> Buckets, and click Create Buckets button
Enter the bucket title and description
Enter the number of hours in this bucket
Select the clients to associate them with this bucket
Enter the hourly price for the bucket NOTE: Enter just the numeric value here. The currency is defined in the Settings.
Click the Save Bucket
Buckets Page
The Buckets Page allows for the creation and management of buckets, showing details like hours, recurrence, and pricing.
Users can view detailed usage of buckets and edit or delete them as needed.
Navigate to Dashboard -> Extensions -> Time Tracker -> Settings
Default timer mode
Count Up: the timer will start counting up from 0
Count Down: the timer will start counting down from the time remaining in the selected bucket
Default currency symbol: select your preferred currency symbol to use as the default
Currency symbol position: choose the position of the currency symbol, before or after the amount
Thousand separator: select a separator for thousands to enhance readability
Decimal separator: choose a symbol to separate decimal portions in numbers
Decimal places: set the number of decimal places for numerical values
Time rounding: enable this to round time entries to the nearest set interval
Rounding interval: choose between round to nearest, round up or round down
Rounding value: choose the interval for rounding time
Time Tracking a Task
To initiate time tracking a task:
Click on the Clock icon, then New Task menu entry to open the Time Tracker modal
Select the client, sites (if applicable), buckets, and enter task details.
Choose the timer type (Counting Up/Down) and start the timer.
You can now dismiss the popup modal by clicking the X icon in the top right of the modal and continue with your work.
When you are ready to finish tracking this task, navigate to the Time Tracker Logs page, locate the running task and from the ellipsis menu, select Continue, and then from the popup modal, select Stop and Submit.
View Task details
Navigate to the Time Tracker Logs page, locate the running task, and click its name in the table. Alternatively, from the ellipsis menu, you can select View Details.
Here, you get a brief overview of all information related to that specific task.
Edit a Task
Navigate to the Time Tracker Logs page, locate the running task, and from the ellipsis menu, select Edit.
From the popup modal, you can change all information related to the task that you selected earlier when starting it. In addition to that information, you can now also change the Payment status and Task status of the task.
Delete a task
Navigate to the Time Tracker Logs page, locate the running task, and from the ellipsis menu, select Delete and then from the popup modal, select Yes, Proceed.
Description of Payment statuses
Draft – The bill has been created but not yet finalized or sent to the recipient. This status is used for bills that are still being worked on.
Sent – The bill has been finalized and sent to the recipient but has not yet been paid. This indicates that the bill is awaiting action from the recipient.
Pending – The payment for the bill is pending; this can indicate awaiting payment from the recipient or that the payment process has been initiated but not yet completed.
Paid – The bill has been fully paid. This status is used once the payment has been received and processed.
Partially Paid – Part of the bill’s amount has been paid, but there is still an outstanding balance.
Overdue – The bill has not been paid by the due date. This status is used for bills that are past their payment deadline.
Canceled – The bill has been canceled and is no longer valid. This status can be used if the bill was issued in error or if the services/products were not delivered as expected.
Disputed – The recipient has disputed the bill. This status is used when there are disagreements about the bill’s charges, services, or products provided.
Refunded – The bill has been paid, but the amount paid was later refunded to the payer. This status might be used in cases of overpayment or if the services/products were found unsatisfactory and a refund was agreed upon.
Write-Off – The bill is considered uncollectible and has been written off as a loss. This status is used for bills that have not been paid for an extended period, and the issuer has decided not to pursue collection further.
Unbilled – The default status that will be applied to a task.
Widgets and table information
The extension provides widgets for both Site Overview and Client View pages, displaying tasks related to the selected site or client.
Manage Sites and Clients columns in the respective tables to show the number of Completed and In Progress tasks.
Time Tracker REST API
The Time Tracker extension supports REST API for integration with the MainWP Browser Extension, allowing for seamless time tracking and management across platforms.
All MainWP REST API calls, including full documentation and examples, are now publicly available on Postman.