Hi everyone, this is Dennis with MainWP, and then this video, I’m gonna go over the basic MainWP Dashboard Navigation.
This is the Overview page that you see when you log in to your Dashboard.
But for this video, we’re going to ignore the center part of the screen instead focus on our Main navigation bar over here and our Header navigation bar over here. We have the MainWP Main navigation panel when your WordPress site is in MainWP Dashboard mode. This navigation replaces the normal WordPress admin menu and provides quick access to all MainWP sections going down the list we have Overview, Updates, Sites, Posts, Pages, Themes, Plugins, Users, Settings, Extensions, and Status, and when you see one of these left pointed arrows, it means that you can expand that menu and see the subsections contained there if you go to the very bottom of this menu you’ll see the option to return to your normal MainWP admin we’ll just click that, and you see back to your normal WordPress site go back to our Dashboard.
Now we go to our top. We have the MainWP Header menu going from left to right we have the Sync Dashboard with Child site button this button allows your Dashboard to gather fresh data from your Child sites your Dashboard will automatically try to sync with the Child sites once a day, but you can force it to sync by pressing this button I highly recommend syncing when you first log in and before updating plugins themes or searching for pages or posts just press the button you’ll see it’s reaching out to your Child sites and it’s gathering all the information from those Child sites and once it’s gathered all the information it’ll close itself up and you’ll have all updated information on all your pages.
The next button is the Add New button it uses a drop-down menu to jump to the correct MainWP section depending on what you want to do, you can add a new website, add a new post, add a new page, add a new plugin a theme or user.
And any time you see this Cog-looking button that’s your Screen Options, that means you can make selection to show more or less of a page. It can be different for each page and not all pages have them, and we do a quick jump over to the Updates page you’ll see it does not have the screen option button that means there are no screen options for this page to go back to Overview and we can press that just give you an idea what screen options look like first thing is you can hide the Update Everything button if you don’t want to deal with that move your widgets around from one or two columns or even add or remove certain widgets is that you don’t want to see
Next up is your Quick Site Shortcuts this allows you to jump to specific sections for each Child site so you’ll get a list of your Child sites, and then you can just press and you can jump to Overview, Update for each individual Child site.
The circle lifebuoy icon opens the Knowledge Base documentation for the page you are on, so if you have any questions you can just jump right in there.
To the right of that is the MainWP Community button which takes you directly to a community of fellow users.
The last button in the standard menu brings you to your MainWP account; if you click that you go to myaccount at times, you’ll see this red exclamation point in your header this shows you there’s a non-MainWP update available for your Dashboard site and allows you to jump back into your normal WordPress Updates page to perform these updates If you click that we’ll see what updates are available for this site and we can see we have a plugin update, so we’ll select that Update the plugin and then once that is updated we’re able to go back to our MainWP Dashboard, and you’ll see that red exclamation point is no longer there!
And that is MainWP Navigation again. I’m Dennis, and I’ll see you in the next video.