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Database Updater
Updated over a month ago

The Database Updater Extension detects if there are updates to WooCommerce and Elementor plugin databases.

This means that you no longer need to access the wp-admin of a Child Site just to click the Update Database button for WooCommerce and Elementor.

Install the Database Updater Extension

  1. Go to your MainWP Dashboard

  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions page

  3. Click the Install Extensions button

    MainWP Domain Monitor Extension 1
  4. Locate the Database Updater extension and select it

  5. Click the Install button

  6. Once the installation process is complete, click the Activate Extensions button.

    MainWP Domain Monitor Extension 2

How to Update the Databases

After you’ve installed the extension, a new Database Updates page will appear.

The page can be accessed by going to the Dashboard > Updates > Database Updates or Dashboard > Extensions > Database Updater menu entry.

Update databases on all child sites

  1. Go to the MainWP > Updates > Database Updates page.

  2. Click the Update All button in the top right

Update databases on individual child sites

  1. Go to the MainWP > Updates > Database Updates page.

  2. Expand the plugin row and locate the desired site in the table

  3. Click the Update Now button next to the desired site

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