MainWP Post Dripper Extension allows you to deliver posts or pages to your child sites over a pre-scheduled period of time.
The Extension allows you to drip:
Boilerplate Posts (only if the Boilerplate Extension is installed and activated)
Boilerplate Pages (only if the Boilerplate Extension is installed and activated)
How it Works
Post Dripper Extension allows you to set how fast you want to publish content on the selected number of sites during 1 session.
The Extension will post to all selected child sites. Once the Post/Page is published on all selected sites, the drip session ends. It will never publish the same content to one child site multiple times.
Example 1
Publish this post to 1 site every 1 day (20 child sites selected)
Day 1: the article gets published on the first child site
Day 2: the article gets published on the second child site
Day 3: the article gets published on the third child site
Day 20: the article gets published on the 20th child site
Example 2
Publish this post to 3 sites every 2 days (20 child sites selected)
Day 1: the article gets published on the first 3 child sites
Day 2: nothing gets published
Day 3: the article gets published on the second 3 child sites
Day 4: nothing gets published
Day 5: the article gets published on the third 3 child sites
Day 6: nothing gets published
Day 13: the article gets published on the last 2 child sites
Example 3
Publish this post to 5 sites every 1 week (20 child sites selected)
Day 1: the article gets published on the first 5 child sites
Day 2: nothing gets published
Day 3: nothing gets published
Day 4: nothing gets published
Day 5: nothing gets published
Day 6: nothing gets published
Day 7: nothing gets published
Day 8: the article gets published on the second 5 child sites
Day 9: nothing gets published
Day 10: nothing gets published
Day 11: nothing gets published
Day 12: nothing gets published
Day 13: nothing gets published
Day 14: nothing gets published
Day 15: the article gets published on the third 5 child sites
Day 22: the article gets published on the last 5 child sites
Important Notes
If you want to make sure that WP Cron jobs are regularly triggered on your MainWP Dashboard, you can Authorize the Uptime Robot service and add your dashboard site as a monitor. The Uptime Robot will ping your dashboard site regularly and make sure that all scheduled events are occurring.
Cancel a Drip Session
Cancel Post Drip Session
Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Post Dripper page
Locate the Post Drips section
Locate the session that you want to cancel
Click the Cancel Drip action
Cancel Page Drip Session
Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Post Dripper page
Locate the Page Drips section
Locate the session that you want to cancel
Click the Cancel Drip action
Cancel Boilerplate Post Drip Session
Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Post Dripper page
Locate the Boilerplate Post Dripper section
Locate the session that you want to cancel
Click the Cancel Drip action
Cancel Boilerplate Page Drip Session
Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Post Dripper page
Locate the Boilerplate Page Dripper section
Locate the session that you want to cancel
Click the Cancel Drip action
Create a Drip Session
Drip Posts
Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
Go to the MainWP > Posts > Add New page
Set your post content and meta fields
Locate the Post Dripper section
Select the Use Post Dripper option
Set dripper preferences
Click the Publish button
Drip Pages
Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
Go to the MainWP > Pages > Add New page
Set your page content and meta fields
Locate the Post Dripper section
Select the Use Post Dripper option
Set dripper preferences
Click the Publish button
Drip Boilerplate Posts
Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
Go to the MainWP > Posts > Add Boilerplate page
Locate the Post Dripper section
Select the Use Post Dripper option
Set dripper preferences
Click the Publish button
Drip Boilerplate Pages
Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
Go to the MainWP > Pages > Add Boilerplate page
Locate the Post Dripper section
Select the Use Post Dripper option
Set dripper preferences
Click the Publish button
Manage Drafts
The MainWP Post Plus extension is designed to provide you a quick way to save your progress as a draft and, when needed to continue editing and eventually publish your work. It will enable you to:
Save Drafts
Publish Drafts
Edit Drafts
Delete Drafts
This includes Posts and Pages drafts.